
21st Graduation Ceremony

Warm greetings from Kampala University.

We have come to realise that at the time the graduation had been scheduled, there will be observance of the LENT period for the Christians and also the Holy Month of RANADAN will be starting in a day or two days for which our guests and stakeholders will be fully involved.

Additionally, there have been requests from prospective graduates to be given more time to clear and other to conclude the ongoing school practice and internship so that they are not left out from the graduation list.

Considering all those highlighted factors and requests, Management has deemed it fit to postpone the graduation date to 25th April 2024. Please take note of these important changes and the concerned parties should embark on working on the gaps as there will be no other considerations.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused especially to those who might be affected by the current changes in place.

Click here for the full notice: