- Offer academic programmes of appropriate scope, quality and value that meet the needs of the people of Uganda, Africa, and the world at large.
- Conduct research at all levels to preserve, discover, transmit and enhance knowledge.
- Provide an enabling environment for the teaching and learning process in aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
- Be a leading Centre of Excellence In the fields of Science, Technology and Management.
- Provide education that is holistic spiritually, physically, mentally, socially, ethically and culturally.
- Enable disadvantaged students gain access to Higher Education through scholarships, Bursaries and any other means adjudged relevant to increasing the pool of learned citizens in Uganda and beyond.
- Facilitate student self-appreciation of their talents and beliefs, as well as their ethical values.
- Provide knowledge and skills necessary to bridge the employability gap of graduates, thereby spurring Development through Market-driven training.
- Provide community services through robust engagement with all stakeholders and in transformative efforts to change the quality of life of Ugandans.